Chat Together
Join us for Chat Together, our online meet-up for people living with and beyond bowel cancer. It’s a welcoming place to talk to others with bowel cancer and to meet new people.
Chat Together is a free, one-hour weekly call on Zoom with a small group of people who have been affected by bowel cancer. The six week programme is a chance to share experiences in a friendly, supportive and warm environment.
You’ll need a smartphone, tablet or computer with an internet connection and somewhere quiet to sit. We’ll send you the instructions on how to join us for our weekly call on Zoom.
To register for your free place and find out more visit bowelcanceruk. or email [email protected]
Cwrdd i Gael Sgwrs
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Cwrdd i Gael Sgwrs, ein cyfle i gwrdd yn rhithiol ar gyfer pobl yn byw gyda chanser y coluddion a thu hwnt iddo. Mae’n lle croesawgar ar gyfer siarad ag eraill a chanddynt ganser y coluddion a chwrdd â phobl newydd.
Mae Cwrdd i Gael Sgwrs yn alwad wythnosol awr o hyd rad ac am ddim ar Zoom gyda grŵp bach o bobl a gafodd eu heffeithio gan ganser y coluddion. Mae’r rhaglen chwe wythnos yn gyfle i rannu profiadau mewn amgylchedd cyfeillgar, cefnogol a chynnes.
Er mwyn cofrestru ar gyfer eich lle rhad ac am ddim a chael gwybod mwy ewch i bowelcanceruk. neu e-bostiwch [email protected]
Chat Together – Bowel Cancer UK