Free Bowel Cancer Awareness Talk
We really do rely on the support of workplaces and community groups to help us raise awareness of this common, yet curable, cancer.
You can support our work by booking a talk today
Chat Together
Join our online support groups for people living with and beyond cancer. Chat Together is a welcoming place to talk to others with bowel cancer and to meet new people. It’s a chance to share experiences in a friendly, supportive and informal environment.
Chat Together | Bowel Cancer UK
Bowel Cancer Community Voices Cymru
Bowel Cancer Community Voices Cymru is a group for people affected by bowel cancer in Wales to share your experiences with others who have been through something similar, tell us about your experience of treatment and care and have your say on the development of services in Wales.
Bowel Cancer Community Voices Cymru | Bowel Cancer UK
Online Communities
Our forum and Facebook groups are welcoming places to get help and support for anyone affected by bowel cancer.
Online communities | How we can help | Bowel Cancer UK
Support for people affected by bowel cancer
For further information or to get in touch, please contact us below.
• 020 7940 1760
• [email protected]