This page is for shedders, friends and families to help other men to engage with services on the internet.

In the spring of 2020, the whole of Wales was put into a unprecedented lockdown to deal with the develop of a global pandemic.

This has fundamentally changed the way we work, interact with families and socialise. At Men’s Sheds Cymru we continue to try to provide services that are tailored to the needs of the shed network.

This has led to the launch of our Zoom Room, Newsletter and weekly Coffee and Chat sessions.

Zoom room

Men’s Sheds Cymru holds regular Zoom Meetings, where we invite interesting people to give us talks about a topic that interested them. We have a full archive of videos you can watch.

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Playlist for Life

Here a fun activity that you can do and share with your friends. Why not create a play list of your favourite songs. You can watch the Men’s Shed Cymru team build our playlist with Steph from Playlist for Life.

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Digital Volunteering

Digital volunteers are playing a crucial role in helping people get online in Wales. Digital Communities Wales is looking for people with basic digital skills who want to help other people benefit from digital technology.

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Digital Inclusion Projects


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